Mapping of the Traditional Areas of Pulau Sapi Village and Paking Village

From 27 September to 2 October 2023, a meeting was held in Pulau Sapi Village and Paking Village which resulted an agreement to identify indigenous communities in Pulau Sapi Tourism Village and Paking Village. This agreement has been stated in a Statement of Consent for Indigenous Peoples to carry out activities in accordance with FPIC principles.

After mutual agreement on September 27 2023, SASHI collaborated with Forum Musyawarah Masyarakat Adat (FOMMA) and supported by Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) carried out a meeting and survey regarding the identification of customary territory boundaries in Pulau Sapi Village and Paking Village.

The meeting in Pulau SapiVillage was held on December 3 2023, at Pulau Sapi Village Office Meeting Building. The number of participants who attended included 23 community leaders from Pulau Sapi Village and Lidung Kemenci Village, Heirs of the Tabor Sawon Traditional Land, and FOMMA Management . At this meeting, social and historical data on Pulau Sapi Village was collected, including the history of settlements and community groups on Pulau Sapi and its surroundings. Meanwhile, the meeting in Paking Village was held on December 9 2023, at the Paking Village General Meeting Hall which was attended by 43 people from Paking Village in the Old Settlement, New Settlement and Rajuk Hamlet. In this meeting it was agreed that the territorial boundaries of Paking Village would also be used as the boundaries of existing customary territories.