The Process Of Getting Approval From The Community At Surrounding Forest In Jembrana Regency

The SASHI Foundation had the opportunity to carry out the process of obtaining approval from six villages around the forest in Jembrana Regency. The approval allows the SASHI Foundation to assist communities to participate in social forestry schemes or other efforts to improve forest protection, especially for six villages recommended by the parties at the West Bali forest protection improvement workshop on January 29-30, 2024.

The activities to obtain approval in each village were carried out on March 25-27, 2024. The six villages are Tuwed Village, Tegalcangkring Village, Tukadaya Village, Penyaringan Village, Pulukan Village, and Berangbang Village. Workshops were held in each village discussing the needs and urgency of the community to participate in social forestry schemes or other forest protection or utilization efforts in the future, as well as whether the community agrees if the SASHI Foundation will help them in facilitating the process in the future.